Averaging about a post a month...not too bad - for me.
In two days, Michael and I will be headed off to San Antonio. All we have heard from everyone here is how much fun we are going to have when we get there, and saying I'm excited is a little bit of an understatement. Some things I will miss here, though, will be the anticipation experienced with others of where they will be headed off to next come assignment night but, thankfully, facebook is a great reference for status updates which I will be following closely in the months to come! And though I am hoping for some fellow FAIPers, I know God has amazing plans for what everyone will get.
After a crazy past couple weeks trying to figure out where we're going to live while in Texas, we were finally able to get it all sorted to get into our apartment when we get into town instead of going through the headache of finding a temporary place for a couple of weeks then moving into our apartment. But, why do we ever doubt God?! Such a small problem in hindsight but a mountain of a problem (in my eyes) on the upside.
I still need to find a job, preferably, a daytime, M-F, 8-5 job would be ideal. But, who am I to be picky? Our current goal is to pay off loans in the next 1-2 years which will require discipline and an extra income, not to mention, God's grace. So, my heart struggle is, do I take any job, no matter if it limits my play time with Michael in San Antonio, or do I wait for the perfect job that will have the perfect hours, environment and pay..or, is this another seeming mountain that God will reveal in His time? (Phil 4:6) Again, why do I worry?
My goal this summer, one of them, is to be a better blogger. With much more pictures, funny stories, and frequent updates so I'm not so scatterbrained on what in my crazy life to blog about. A noble notion. We'll see how it turns out.
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